The Standup Playbook

Standup is the most useful meetings on your calendar when done well... or a dreaded time suck you multitask through. Here's how to adapt your standup for the challenges your team is facing, today.


This playbook assumes you already know the basics of running a standup, but you can always check out The Standup Guide for more in-depth information about the building blocks and philosophy of an awesome standup.

When you just want a status update

When a project/sprint is getting started


When a deadline is near

When things are going smoothly

When things are behind

When there is chaos outside of the team's control

When the team's priorities aren't clear

When the team need to collaborate

When folks aren't focused on the right things

When you identify bottlenecks to delivery

Scan the board, is there a particular status that things are getting stuck in? If so, use the generalized statuses below to get unstuck.

Ready to Deploy (or some flavor of "get it out the door")

Ready for QA (or some flavor of testing)

In Code Review

In Progress (or some flavor of "working on it!")


When the team could (or could not) use some face time

When the meeting could use a little more... fun

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Related posts, videos, and podcast episodes

The Standup Guide

Done correctly, standups can both move your project forward and be a daily opportunity for your team to connect and celebrate